Culligan Air Purifiers

Whole House Culligan Air PurifierPoor indoor air quality can be a problem for many people. So how is the air in your home?

Here are some common contributors to poor air quality:

  • Unpleasant pet odors
  • Annoying tobacco odors
  • Unappetizing cooking odors
  • Stale Air Bacteria
  • Mold Odors caused by fire damage
  • Kitchen and bathroom odors
Ultraviolet Benefits
  • Anti-Fungal Reductionโ€”mold (Penicillium Funculosm) in ducts tested greater than 99.9%
  • Anti-Bacterial reductionโ€”bacteria (Serratia Marcescens) in ducts tested greater than 98%
Ozone Benefits
  • Odor reductionโ€”smoke, pet, musty and cooking
  • Freshens stale air
You’ll Love Culligan Air!
  • Purifies the air in all the rooms of your home*
  • Combines ultraviolet light and ozone technologies in one complete system
  • Installs directly into air circulation system for silent and invisible operation
  • Unit treats up to 3,000sq.ft. or (278cu.ft./min at 70F, 55% RH)
  • Reduces the survival of airborne bacteria greater than 98%**
  • Reduces smoke, pet and cooking odors
  • Freshens stale air
  • Ozone odor control only active when air is flowing
  • For indoor use only
*Based on central HVAC system. Each system requires a CulliganAir unit.

**Reduces survivability of only those bacteria and mold that are in close proximity to the UV lamp in the air duct. Does not affect organisms elsewhere in your home.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee Worlds most efficient NSF Certification | Culligan of Bryan-College Station UL Certified Company in College Station, Bryan, Caldwell, Navasota, Hearne Water Quality Association Tested and Certified Under Industry Standards

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