Healthy lives start with water, from pregnancy and beyond

Did you know that water is an important part of a healthy pregnancy? While staying hydrated is always an important step toward maintaining a fit lifestyle, pregnancy presents specific circumstances that make hydration – and cleaner, safer water – even more vital. Combat the Side Effects of Pregnancy Proper hydration can aid in preparing your body for the side effects and physical changes of pregnancy, while ensuring your baby experiences healthy fetal development. The hormonal changes associated with pregnancy can alter the way women store water in their bodies, often leading to water retention. While it might seem counter-intuitive, drinking the recommended eight glasses of water a day can actually alleviate excess water retention.  Staying properly hydrated can also replace fluids that are lost due to increased perspiration and urination, which are side effects commonly associated with pregnancy. Plus, as your blood volume increases during the third trimester, the risk of hypertension and cardiovascular problems can increase.  Maintaining a healthy intake of water can help reduce the risk of these conditions1.

Water Your Growing Baby

Did you know that water can also nurture your growing baby throughout the gestational period? Proper hydration aids in the flow of nutrients to the baby through your blood. Also, the amniotic sack that protects your baby in the womb depends on fluid that must be replaced every hour by a cup of water that is stored in the body2. If you’re dehydrated, your body may not have the fluids necessary to ensure the amniotic fluid surrounding your baby is properly replenished. Dehydration can also lead to harmful effects on your baby’s development, such as an excessively warm maternal environment and, potentially, preterm labor and delivery3. Nurture Your Newborn If you choose to breastfeed once your baby is born, keep in mind that you may feel even thirstier than normal. That’s because the hormones involved with milk-making cause your body to conserve water. Failing to get enough fluids to replenish your body’s water supply can impact how much milk you’re able to produce. This can also lead to constipation, fatigue and impaired concentration4. Safe, Refreshing Water: Just a Taste Away Ensuring the water you drink is free of potentially harmful contaminates is crucial. The cleaner, safer water you get from a Culligan drinking water system will make a difference toward a healthy, happy pregnancy.  Contact Culligan today for a free water analysis to see how a Culligan water system can deliver better drinking water to you and your baby – during pregnancy and beyond. Bookmark and Share 1 and 2 “The Benefits of Water in Pregnancy.” Pregnancy Online: 3 “Water Consumption During Pregnancy”. Mediconsult’s Nutrition Services. StorkNet. Online: 4 Mary Silva, M.S, R.D. “Dietary Tips for Breastfeeding Moms”. Dr. Online:,1510,5370,00.html

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