So I ran a Marathon…

Austin Marathon Finish Line!
I ran a marathon! Great right? I was super excited to train for this not only for the great accomplishment but excited to see how it would change my body. I will be in the best shape of my life! Well, so I thought. Although I was exercising more then I’ve ever exercised before, worked harder then I’ve ever worked before I actually gained a few pounds while training. I am aware of what I eat and aim to eat a healthy balanced diet. The difference in my diet is that I started consuming gels/gu’s and sports drinks. Basically drinking a lot of calories that I normally don’t. My rule is to not drink my calories, besides my one cup of FFBB00 juice in the AM. I stick to water and un-sweet tea and some diet soda although I did cut that out while training. This phenomenon happened to my good friend too who is also a woman. Our husbands on the other hand lost weight while consuming more calories, go figure! What did I learn in my training experience? I will stick to more good water while training and not as many sports drinks! Written by – Katy Garner Bookmark and Share

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