Be part of something bigger than yourself

This past weekend the world record for the longest kickball game was broken.  No, I did not play in it.  I really wish I could have! Chris called me and asked if we could help out with providing water.  It started this past Friday afternoon in Rowlett, TX.  They played kick ball for 50 hours straight in order to raise money and awareness for children in slavery.  The Mercy Project was started by a friend of mine, Chris Field.  Its sole mission is to bring as many young children out of slavery.  Chris has a heart for service and is a man full of passion.  He is part of something bigger than himself…bigger than you and I.    The question for me and you is the same.  What do you do that is bigger than you?  I mean really when its all said and done that’s the stuff that matters…the stuff that leaves a legacy is what you participate in that leaves a lasting difference in someones life.  Its not about how much water I sell.  Its not about the size of my truck/house or other material things.  That stuff is all going to burn up one day.  I hope that I can make it a priority to make a lasting impression on someones life for good.  Maybe its a kickball game to raise awareness for children in slavery, maybe its that extra effort each day to spend time with your children, maybe its that phone call that you need to make, maybe its those words you need to say…I don’t know what it is for you but I do know that if we open our eyes the opportunities are there.  We just have to act on them.  Here are a few pictures from the World record Kickball game.  Congrats to all who participated.  What a cool event.  Enjoy…be inspired to DO something that makes a difference in the lives of people. Bookmark and Share

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